It's finally here! The final month of 2020, December. I never would have thought that 2020 would have turned out the way it did with its up's and down's, but we finally made it to the end. We're less than thirty days away from the New Year. Now, it's time to prepare for 2021! However, before I can do that, here's what I was up to in November.
Books I Finished

- Kingdom of the Wicked by Kerri Maniscalco (5 Stars ⭐)
- The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes (4 Stars ⭐)
I'm finally getting back into my regular reading habits and it's been so nice to read again and I was able to finish some amazing books this month. My reviews on these books are hopefully soon to come, so I'm crossing my fingers that I can have several new reviews posted next month!
Games I Played

- Assassin's Creed Odyssey
- Dead by Daylight (w/ Friends)
- Kingdom: Classic
- Namezis: Mysterious Journey III (Demo)
My Blog Posts
Book Reviews:

- Echoes Between Us by Katie McGarry
Other Posts:
With the start of a new month, my classes are official over on December 4th after my college decided to change the end dates and move finals up a week to end all classes early. I'm hoping with more free time, I can finally catch up on my backlogged reviews since I'll have a ton to finish them. I've been wanting to get started on writing them, but continued to push off for months because of my lack of time and my minor blogging slump. In December, I'm hoping to get so much done. I'm planning on reading about 4 more books to complete my 2020 reading goal, taking some new bookstagram photos with the new books I may or may not have gotten (RIP my wallet), and hopefully I'll be able to write some of my drafted blog posts that have been sitting on hold for a while. I've had a fews unexpected setbacks this year, when it comes to reading and blogging, but I'm determined for that to change as I begin drafting out my new plan for 2021.
Posts I Loved

On Sunday, November 29, I got the most amazing surprise and found out my blog was mentioned in Double the Books Magazine Issue #43 in their "Blog's I've Been Loving" section. This took me by complete surprise and I'm so thankful to have my blog mentioned with several other amazing book bloggers, this absolutely made my day and now I have a new bookish magazine to add to my reading list!
If you haven't read their magazine yet, I definitely recommend checking it out. They share a variety of articles in their new issues about all things bookish ranging from author and book blogger interviews, book reviews, and several other different types of bookish topics!
Thank you all so much for reading. What did you finish reading last month? Did you do anything fun or have anything exciting happen? Until next time!

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