Friday, July 13, 2018

Behind the Screen: A Book Blogger Tag

How's it going everyone! I hope you're all having a fantastic Friday the 13th. Today, I'm going to be doing Behind the Screen: A Book Blogger Tag. I was tagged on July 3rd by Adrianna over at For the Love of Books, so thank you again Adrianna for tagging me.  When I saw that I was tagged in this tag, I was completely shocked. I've never actually been tagged in a tag before, so this is super cool and new to me. A majority of the tags that I've done are things that I've found online or have seen other people do on their own blog in the past. In addition, this is The Little Book Spy's 100th blog post, and I think doing this tag is the perfect way to celebrate 100 posts (especially since I had no clue what to write for my blog's milestone)! Now, let's answer some questions!

1. When did you start blogging and what was your first review?

I started blogging on February 25, 2016, which was the first day that I uploaded my first book review, Anon by Diamond McKinney.

2. Who/What inspired you to start blogging?
Jordan, my twin sister, over at My Flourishing Retrospect was the one who actually suggested that I start book blogging. She had created her own gaming blog back in 2014 and because of all of the books that I've read and since I'm an aspiring author, she suggested that I should start a book blog. And I haven't looked back since!

3. What is a blog related goal that you have?
My blog related goal that I have is to make my blog the best it can be. As long as I'm happy with how my blog is turning out and what I'm doing to make it perfect in my own eyes and allow anyone who reads my blog to feel welcome, then I'm already completing my blog's lifelong goal.

4. What is one thing you wish someone told you about blogging?
Now there's a list that could go on for days! One thing that I wish I knew about blogging was deciding what to name my blog. I know it’s probably a silly thing to say but hear me out. I knew automatically creating a blog would take work, time, and dedication.  I originally started off with a URL that was previously someone else's old blog and was plagued (something I did not know when I created it) before they deleted it. And, I didn’t have a name that I necessarily liked nor intended to keep.  I wish I had taken more time to really think and come up with a name for my blog that fit me, like the name that I know I will use forever, The Little Book Spy.

So… my advice to you, if you're thinking about starting a blog, make sure you come up with a name that not only represents you, but you know is your forever blog name.

5. What was the biggest blog-related accomplishment?
I think my biggest blog-related accomplishment was when an author came to my blog and filled out my Book Suggestion Survey asking if I was interested in reviewing one of her books. I barely had the survey up for a few days and I already had one author asking if I wanted to review their book, so I was completely surprised and super happy!

I know some people get asked to review books by authors all of the time, but for me this was the first one and it made me happy that she asked me.

6. What type of posts do you enjoy writing?
The type of posts that I enjoy writing are both book reviews, those being my main posts, and tag posts.  That's currently a majority of what my blog is.  I do want to try something new, but I don't know what just yet.

7. Where do you usually blog? What does your set up look like?

I blog sitting in an at-home office space. It's nothing special, just your normal at-home office.
8. What was your last 5-star (10-star ⭐️) read?

My last 10-star read, since I don't use the 5-star rating system, would have to be Perfekt Order by S.T. Bende. I loved reading that book, it kept me captivated until the very end.
9. What was your last 1-star ⭐️ read?

I have never actually had a 1-star review. Because of my blog's main goal, I wouldn't be reviewing the book if it was that low, nor would I have kept reading a book if I believed it deserved a 1-star. But the lowest book that I've read and finished was probably Planet Urth by Jennifer and Christopher Martucci, which was a 4/10 ⭐.

10. What are three words that make you pick up a book?
Adventure, Romance, and Magic.

11. What is your Hogwarts House?
Please don't hate me everyone! I know a majority of book bloggers have sorted themselves into a Hogwarts House, but I never have. I was never really interested in the Harry Potter series when I was younger, and they never captured my interest even when I got older, the movies were good, but I never got into reading the books 🙈.

12. What is your favorite reading environment?

My favorite reading environment would have to be sitting on the couch and being able to curl up with a good book.

13. What advice would you give new bloggers?
My advice to new bloggers is: Do what you love, write what you love, and create a blog that makes you happy. Welcome to the blogging community, we’re all here to help and support each other!

Thank you all so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed reading my answers to this tag! As many of you know, I don’t tag specific people in my posts because I don’t know who’s interested in doing a specific tag or who has already done a certain tag, but if you’re reading this post and are interested in doing the Behind the Screen: A Book Blogger Tag, then I tag you!

Until next time!

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