Friday, September 9, 2016

Grasping at Eternity by Karen Amanda Hooper - Book Review

Grasping at Eternity Book Cover
How’s it going everyone. Today, I’m going to be reviewing Grasping at Eternity by Karen Amanda Hooper. When I saw this book, it looked really interesting and I knew I had to read it because this book talks about reincarnation and these types of stories always interest me.  I have always believed in reincarnation and it’s a very fascinating topic of interest for me.  I, of course, really wanted to see how the author would portray reincarnation and I can say I was not disappointed.

About the Book:
Title: Grasping at Eternity
Author: Karen Amanda Hooper
Release Date: May 31, 2013
Series: The Kindrily Series #1
Genre: Contemporary
Pages: 368

My Rating: 5/5 ⭐️

Leave it to Maryah Woodsen to break the one rule that will screw up eternity: Never erase your memories.

Before entering this life, Maryah did the unthinkable—she erased. Now, at seventeen years old, she’s clueless that her new adoptive family has known her for centuries, that they are perpetually reincarnated souls, and that they have supernatural abilities. Oh, and she's supposed to love (not despise) Nathan, the green-eyed daredevil who saved her life.

Nathan is convinced his family’s plan to spark Maryah's memory is hopeless, but his love for her is undying. After spending (and remembering) so many lifetimes together, being around an empty version of his soulmate is heart shattering. He hates acting like a stalker, but has no choice because the evil outcast who murdered Maryah in their last lifetime is still after her.

While Maryah’s hunter inches closer, she and Nathan make assumptions and hide secrets that rip them further apart. Maryah has to believe in the magic within her, Nathan must have faith in the power of their love, and both need to grasp onto the truth before they lose each other forever—and discover just how lonely eternity can be.

My Thoughts:
This story takes place in my home state of Arizona.  Even though I don’t live in Sedona and have only visited there once, I thought it was the perfect location for this story.  Throughout the story, the author flips between two of the main characters, Maryah and Nathan, for a couple of the chapter.  I had mentioned something similar to this in my November Rain review and I think she did an amazing job flipping between the two.  I don’t know what it is, but having a change of character for every, or every other, chapter always draws me in.  It gives me a better connection with the main characters and their emotions/thoughts.  The story line was amazing and the character’s interaction felt extremely real to me.  I do have to admit, near the end of the book I got so mad at Maryah.  The one time you wish a character could listen to the reader, they do the exact opposite.  But I think she pulled it off very well.  The author was able to keep me on the edge of my seat, wanting to know exactly what was going to happen next and she delivered it perfectly.

The ending of this book made my eyes watery and I was on the verge of happy tears.  Those are the kinds of story I love to read.  I really suggest reading this one as it leaves you guessing about whether or not Maryah and Nathan actually get back together and have their own version of a happy ending.  And how you could forget the backstory of everyone’s reincarnated lives.  It shows the exact meaning of family and how they all come together, being able to have each other's backs in every life.

If you’re interested in checking out Karen’s pages, the links are below along with places you can get the Grasping at Eternity.

Thank guys so much for reading this post, I hope you enjoyed this review/suggestion.  Until next time!

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