Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Goodbye 2019 & New Year’s Resolutions for 2020

It’s December 31st, New Year’s Eve! It’s been a whirlwind of a decade and a busy and amazing year as well. Before I jump into my New Year’s Resolutions for 2020, I want to thank you all. Thank you all for being here, whether your new or have been here for a while, thank you. When I first started blogging, I never knew what it would have turned into today. I started this blog back on February 25, 2016 almost halfway near the end of the decade (which I'll be doing a separate post to celebrate that 4 Year milestone in 2020). I am honestly amazed and thankful for all of the people I have met along the way in the blogging community. Normally, I don’t make New Year’s resolutions, however this year, things will be different. I thought it would be a great way to kick off the new decade by creating some blogging New Year’s Resolutions and encourage myself to set some new goals and challenge myself to do more by trying something new. Let’s talk about my 2020 New Year’s Resolutions.

Some of you may have seen my tweet about a few of my vague New Year’s Resolutions. However, I thought it would be only fitting to share them in more depth and detail here!

1. Start using Bookstagram
This upcoming 2020, I want to be more active on Bookstagram! Even though I'm still debating what to do with my account (I still have no idea what I could do since I’m not great at photography), I'm hoping to try to post more and not abandon my account again. Maybe I could use the stories to say when blog posts (book reviews or other bookish posts) go live?

2.  Start commenting on more blogs
One of the main things I've been lacking since I started blogging is commenting on other's blogs!  I feel terrible for not commenting on all of your amazing blog posts. I wish I wasn't so introverted and extremely paranoid about what I type when it comes to commenting on other blogs, but sadly I've done this many times in the past.  This upcoming 2020, I'm going to change and try to this and make an effort to commenting on your posts!

3.  Talk more with fellow book bloggers
Starting in 2020, I want to talk more with everyone!  I feel like I don't talk a lot and I want to change that. I would love to chat more with all of you!

4. Start Writing More and Writing Different Content
Over the last year or so, I feel like my writing has dwindled down to a few select posts, which I have to change! In 2018, I only wrote book reviews and book tags. When 2019 came around I was doing the same thing until I started adding Can’t Wait Wednesday posts into the cycle letting book tags slightly dwindling (which is honestly not a bad thing). I want to grow more as a writer and start doing discussion post (I’m currently writing one about twins in books and why I’m always hesitant to read those books), monthly wrap-ups, and more. So I’m most likely going to go looking through all of your blogs (if you’re a book blogger) and try to get some ideas about other posts I can write (obviously, I will 100% make sure that I am not copying or plagiarizing your original work. I won’t copy any already written ideas and I pay way to close attention to my writing to ever let that happen).

Thank you all so much for reading!  I hope you all have a safe and fun New Year's Eve! Whether you're going out and partying or staying home and relaxing, stay safe and I hope you have a fantastic 2020 New Year!

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