Friday, June 8, 2018

Would You Rather? Book Tag

How's it going everyone! I hope you're all having a wonderful day. Today, I'm going to be doing another fun tag called the Would You Rather? Book Tag. When I was scrolling through my twitter feed during the last week of May, I saw this tag over on Justine's blog, Bookish Wisps, and I thought it would be another fun tag to do! I'm trying to change up some of my posts from being constant book reviews to have a few different posts in between so I'm not boring anyone with the same content every week. I like choosing fun tags to do here on the blog and whenever I see a new tag that looks fun, I'm going to try to do it because, why not? Anyways, on with the tag!

1. Would you rather have a friend lose your books or one who dog-ears them?
If a friend were to lose my book, I would be beyond livid and upset with them, but then again I might not trust them if they're known to lose things. I'm going to have to go with a friend who dog-ears my books because I still get the book back, even though the page is now bent, which is better than no book at all.

2. Would you rather secretly love a book everyone else hates, or secretly hate a book everyone else loves?
This one is tricky. I guess I would secretly love a book that everyone hates.

3. Would you rather be stuck on a very long plane or train ride without a book?
I would rather be stuck on a very long plane ride without a book. If I'm flying and I don't have a book with me, that means I'll have an excuse to write my own book on my iPhone notes app instead of procrastinating like I always do when I have spare time.

4. Would you rather have dinner with your favorite author or your favorite character?
I would rather have dinner with my favorite character.  I can only imagine all of the cool things and stories they could tell about their adventures.

5. Would you rather date a character you have a crush on or your crush from real life?
This one is way too easy, I would rather date a character that I have a crush on. I don't have any real-life crushes, so that leaves me with fictional characters because sometimes fictional guys are better than guys in reality.

6. Would you rather have your favorite book turned into a movie, or your favorite movie turned into a book?
I'm normally not a big movie or tv show fan because I've read a lot over the past couple of years, but I guess I would have to say my favorite book turned into a movie because I would be able to see the book I read come to life.

7. Would you rather read a book with an annoying cliffhanger, or one where your favorite character is killed off?
I've read both kinds of books, my second to last book had a few minor characters killed and the game that I'm currently playing have had one of my favorite characters die, so my answer is easy. I would rather have a book with an annoying cliffhanger than to have my favorite character killed.  I always have this horrible feeling when I know a writer has created a very likable character. I always get hit with a sense of dread when I realize that sooner or later they're going to kill them off.

8. Would you rather lose the ability to read any new books, or the ability to reread books you’ve already read?
Some people may say I'm biased, but I would rather lose the ability to reread books that I've already read. I know many people love to reread books, but I personally like reading and discovering new books with new characters and going on a new adventure.

9. Would you rather live in a library or a bookstore?
I would rather live in a library, as long as it were my own private library that I could have all to myself...

10. Would you rather lose your place or get a paper cut every time you read a book? 
Paper cut verses losing your page number? I would rather lose my page number because paper cuts hurt. Being frustrated about where I left off opposed to staining the pages of a book is a lot less painful.

11. Would you rather have to always read in the dark, or always read books with tiny text? 
How dark is dark? If you mean pitch black, then that's not going to work, but I guess since I read on my phone, I use a dark screen to white text when it dark and late at night. I guess I would have to say read in the dark. If the text is to tiny, then I'll just strain my eyes even more than I've already done and then I wouldn't actually read.

12. Would you rather read by a fireplace, or on the beach?
I would rather read on the beach. A fireplace would be nice, but since it's summer from roughly May to October here in Arizona, reading next to a fireplace is not on my list.  I would prefer to read on the beach, especially if there was a nice cool breeze and I could hear the sounds of the calming ocean crashing against the sandy shore.

Thank you all so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed reading my answers to this tag. Until next time!

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