Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Can't Wait Wednesday #17 - Gods & Monsters by Shelby Mahurin

Happy Wednesday friends! I'm back with another Can't Wait Wednesday and this time I'm sharing one of my two most anticipated books of 2021! As soon as I heard the announcement that the cover for Gods and Monsters was being revealed, Friday last week (February 5th), I'd been guessing and imagining what the cover would look like! After seeing this cover, it is one of my most favorites that I've seen so far and it matches the trilogy perfectly. If you're not familiar with Can’t Wait Wednesday, this is a bookish meme hosted by Tressa over at Wishful Endings that spotlights upcoming release books that we're excited for.

Gods and Monsters Book Cover

About the Book:

Title: Gods & Monsters

Author: Shelby Mahurin

Release Date: August 3, 2021

Series: Serpent & Dove #3

Genre: Fantasy

Pages: 528


Lou has spent her whole life running. Now, after a crushing blow from Morgane, the time has come to go home—and claim what is rightfully hers.

But this is no longer the Lou her friends knew. No longer the Lou who captured a chasseur’s heart. A darkness has settled over her, and this time it will take more than love to drive it out.

My Thoughts on Gods & Monsters:

The cover and synopsis for Gods  & Monsters, the final book in the Serpent & Dove series, it's finally here! After finishing Blood & Honey last year, I can't wait for Gods & Monsters to comes out. I will admit, Shelby was teasing and letting people guess what the new cover was gonna look like over on her Instagram page and I had two guesses even though I never shared them. I knew the cover was going to be similar to the first two books so that narrowed down my choices when it came to the gold on the cover. My first guess was purple and gold (I can't remember why I thought purple, it might have been from someone else's guess that I had seen in Shelby's stories). My other guess was white and gold.  Even though those were two pretty good guesses, my main guess was white because of how nicely it would fit with the already released covers. However, I can't believe I was mostly right! Its a slight mix of silver white and gold, which honestly makes this cover gorgeous! This book left off on a cliffhanger and this synopsis has me on the edge of my seat. I'm so excited to see how this trilogy ends, August 3rd, can't come soon enough!

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About the Author:

Shelby Mahurin is the New York Times and indie bestselling author of Serpent & Dove and Blood & Honey. She grew up on a small farm in rural Indiana, where sticks became wands and cows became dragons. Her rampant imagination didn’t fade with age, so she continues to play make-believe every day— with words now instead of cows. When not writing, Shelby watches the Office and obsesses over her Instagram feed. She still lives near that childhood farm with her very tall husband, semi-feral children, two dogs, and one cat.

Is this book on your radar?  What book are you looking forward to being released?  Until next time!