Friday, October 25, 2019

My 2019 End of the Year TBR

How's it going everyone!  I hope you're all having a fantastic day.  Its getting closer to the end of the year and we all know what that means, our reading goals are catching up with us and we only have two months left to finish them before we all create our new TBRs for next year!  I know many have already completed theirs, which I applaud you for already completing yours!  After looking at my reading list, I have about 3 books left of my 30 books read in 2019! For today's post, I thought it would be fun to share the books that I hope to finish reading before the year is up!  Let's jump right in.

Now, I will admit, the order that I try to read the books listed below might not be 100% accurate, especially if I jump around.  However, I'm hoping that I at least finish reading 3 of the 8 listed below:

  • Capturing the Devil by Kerri Maniscalco
  • Fear the Drowning Deep by Sarah Glenn Marsh
  • The Girl the Sea Gave Back by Adrienne Young
  • Uncharted by Erin Cashman
  • Serpent & Dove by Shelby Mahurin
  • Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lim
  • A Shifting of Stars by Kathy Kimbray
  • The Beautiful by RenĂ©e Ahdieh

And there you have it!  As much as I would love to read all eight of these books before the year is up, but we'll see how far I get... Only time will tell!  Maybe I'll get lucky and be able to read all of them, but if not, I will definitely be putting them at the top of my TBR for next year!

Thank you all so much for reading.  What books do you plan on reading before the end of the year is up?  Is there a book that you're saving for you TBR next year?  Until next time!


  1. I really hope you get around to reading Spin the Dawn if nothing else!! I gave it 5/5 stars in my review (no spoilers!) If you wanna check it out :) link:

    1. I've been wanting to reading Spin the Dawn ever since I heard about it back in March! Loved reading your review. After I finish Capturing the Devil, I think I need to pick this one up next!

