Friday, July 29, 2016

Captivate Me by S. J. Pierce - Book Review

Captivate Me Book Cover
How's it going everyone! Today, I’ll be reviewing Captivate Me by S. J. Pierce.  I found this book when I searched for ‘Young Adult books’ in iBooks, a very common place for me to find new books, and this one stood out to me the most.  Let’s jump right in!

About the Book:
Title: Captivate Me
Author: S.J. Pierce
Release Date: March 12, 2014
Series: The Captivated Series #1
Genre: Paranormal
Pages: 241
Age: 16 & Up for Mature Content

My Rating: 5/5 ⭐️

All seventeen-year-old Kathrin Walsh wanted when she transferred to a school for the Gifted was to feel accepted and normal, and she does... mostly. But when dreams of another boy make her question her relationship, kids go missing, and she learns something troubling about what she is and why her future will forever be altered, she quickly realizes that'normal' is only an illusion, and that love can walk a fine line between captivating and maddening, or even worse - it can make you abandon all trace of reason. Love can be deadly.

My Thoughts:
This story kept you in suspense about what was happening and made you question whom this mysterious person was.  Who was leaving Kat flowers, watching her from afar in the forest, and why did this person make her gutsy enough sneak out into the forest to discover who this guy was?  The characters were written amazingly and their background information is detailed perfectly without putting too much information in the story.  At the end of the book, my mouth had dropped to the floor after a catastrophe, but I think the author played into the scene really well.  It honestly made me sad that something terrible happened, but sometimes things like this in stories happen.  This is an amazing story with emotion written on each and every page, making me wonder what was going to happen next.

If you’re interested in checking out S. J.'s pages, the links are below along with places you can get the Captivate Me.

For now, thank you so much for reading this, I hope you enjoyed this review/suggestion and I will see you guys next time.

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